Just The Tip Sheet

Mark Halperin wants to cram your inbox

July 12, 2019

Disgraced journalist Mark Halperin has expressed a desire to be "reintegrated into society" after his lucrative career was rubbed out in 2017 by multiple allegations of sexual misconduct, behavior that one former colleague described as an "open secret" at ABC News, where Halperin previously straddled the network as political director.

Thus far, society hasn't been clamoring to take Halperin back. He exposed himself to fresh criticism after appearing on several episodes of the Michael Smerconish podcast on XM Radio where he has apologized "to the women that I mistreated," and described the uproar over former Vice President Joe Biden's creepy behavior as "a bit of a distraction."

Disgraced Journo Mark Halperin Calls Biden Allegations a ‘Distraction,’ Longs to Be ‘Reintegrated Into Society’

You probably haven't noticed, but Halperin has launched a website — "Mark Halperin's Wide World of News" — and has been dishing out hot political takes on Twitter.

Halperin is also trying to edge his way into the burgeoning email newsletter market. In a series of unfortunately worded tweets, the disgraced journo has been begging his followers to sign up to "get my tip sheet in your inbox every morning." For someone with more than 300,000 followers, the engagement numbers on these solicitations have been underwhelming at best.

In October 2017, five of Halperin's former female colleagues came forward and accused him of inappropriately touching them, propositioning them for sex, and in several instances, of pressing his erect penis against their bodies.

One woman described how Halperin forced himself on her after inviting her to his office in the early 2000s. "I went up to have a soda and talk and -- he just kissed me and grabbed my boobs," the woman told CNN. "I just froze. I didn't know what to do."

Published under: Mark Halperin