Even after a day to mull the decision, Gal Gadot’s casting as Wonder Woman is still reverberating throughout the Interwebs. What’s most intriguing is that most of the the reactions seem to have no idea of who Gal is in the first place, despite the three Fast movies she's starred in that have grossed over $500 million worldwide. Just goes to show people don't know talent when they see it.

In addition to Gal's low name ID, she'll have to win the hearts of skeptical Wonder Woman fans who have craved the big lady's big screen debut their entire lives and are upset that it's finally happening as the scrumtrulescent center of a Henry Cavill/Ben Affleck sandwich. Lex Luthor is easier to please than these folks.
Well Diana fans, allow me to quell your fears. While Alyssa Rosenberg did a fine job boning everyone up on Gal's threadbare IMDB page, no has vetted her proud and illustrious career on the runway.
As Mamo's Matt Price remarked, Wonder Woman is DC Comic's Thor. Yet Gal is loads more qualified for the role than beefcake Chris Hemsworth was when he was cast in a tentpole franchise. Hemsworth never had to endure the crucible of a Miss Universe pageant. Gal was Miss Israel 2004.
Gal has been fiercely independent her entire life. She's a rock, staying true to her principles and remaining self reliant. Sounds like a Wonder Woman if I ever heard one.
The Israeli starlet is a very social person who believes relationships make life "interesting and fruitful." Just as she was a team player with Dom and Han, she'll be an essential partner to Supes and Batman.
What's underrated is her experience in the IDF. Yes, she can cooly aim a gun as well as pose in stunning evening wear.
Most importantly, Gal is no stranger to pressure. She appeared in an Israeli tourism ad that stoked a helluva more controversy than being cast in a comic book movie.
It appears Warner Brothers followed the same playbook they used when they cast Henry Cavill, a relative unknown himself. By selecting a stranger to audiences for an iconic role, a newbie allows viewers to experience the character without any preconceptions.
Gal will bring the beauty, poise, and dogged determination necessary to properly portray Wonder Woman on the silver screen. She just needs Zack Synder to allow her to do it.