Your fun fact for the day:
WEIRD FACT: Callipygous means having beautifully proportioned buttocks.
— HuffPost Weird News (@HuffPostWeird) January 10, 2014
I’ve had that tweet in the chamber for nearly four months, waiting for the perfect opportunity to craft a blog post lauding callipygous donks, as well as allowing me to enrich your vocabulary. Now you can tell your office's I.T. guy you're learning something when peeks at your screen while you're enjoying Kate Upton GIFs.
Speaking of that delightful devil, Kate joshed in the latest video from her ’14 SI swim smoke shoot how everyone focuses too much on her upfront spending and not enough on her other assets.
I know you savages are wondering what photo she's referring to, so I'll save you that Google search. Here’s the photo that accentuates her underappreicated asset. It gets the job done.

While other unwashed Kate Upton bloggers go into heat every time she slips on a v-neck, we here at the WFB honor the Full Kate. We appreciate Kate inside and out, top to bottom.

Her callipygous assets help her hunker down to milk cows. Milk did her body good.

How else would be able to sustain that hula hoop if she was strictly business up top.

She knows how vital it is to stretch to her assets strong and limber.
That's how she keeps her flawless running form.
Don't take her spending for granted, Planet Earth. Kate giveth, Kate taketh away.

You don't know what you got 'til Kate ventures to new worlds to conquer.