Not only were Steve Rogers’s inherent traits of courage and sense of duty amplified when he became Captain America, so was his soft-spot for a pair of big blue eyes. "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" was helpless to resist Kate Upton and her Blonde Avengers, with "The Other Woman" socking Cap in the mouth, and finishing first at the box office in its inaugural weekend, racking up an impressive $25.5 million box office gross.

Keep your head on a swivel in "Avengers 2," Cap. Kate found your weak spot.
The Kate-starring vehicle cleaned up in foreign markets, collecting $12.8 million from 31 markets to finish for $45.3 million globally.
Because Kate's dances require no translation.
Most importantly, "The Other Woman" succeeded in driving ladies to the cineplex. Audiences were 75% female with equal representation across the age demographics. When Kate speaks, women listen.
As hard as it is to believe, even a super smoke like Kate admits to E! Online that there are days when even she feels icky.
"Of course, I always try to live a healthy lifestyle, but that was my birthday week," the Sports Illustrated model told me at last night's Other Woman premiere. "So that was the least healthy I've ever been. I just turned 21."
We've all been there, Kate.
After trying on acting for size, Kate slipped on something more familiar in a new shoot this weekend.

Scoreboard, Kate Haters.

Kate may have had 50 lines of dialogue, but she has $25.5 million reasons why she's better than you.