What is it about "Irreplaceable" that makes Beyoncé so surly?
Bey’s world tour has finally made it stateside after follies overseas. During her Atlanta show, when she went down the front row, passing the mic to fans to sing along, she ran into a fan recording the show. Not to be crossed, Bey got up in the face of the fan who, after the concert, was to upload the video to YouTube, in all of its shaky and inaudible glory.
"See, you can’t sing because you’re too busy taping. I’m right in your face, baby! You gotta seize this moment. Put that damn camera down," said Blue Ivy’s mother.
Two paramount American institutions—higher education and Beyoncé—both subscribing to the philosophy of YOLO. Whodathunkit?
Still, Mrs. Carter does have a point. I don’t understand why people feel compelled to record sporting events, concerts, poetry slams, etc. I know people drop serious coin for the opportunity to see Beyoncé up close and feel privileged to film whatever they damn please. Stub Hub tickets for her concert run around $140. But when you’re off trying to operate a finicky iPhone camera, you’re missing out on other aspects of the experience. Plus, when you got Bey in your grill, you best be paying attention.

This sort of video is never any good and the only use for it is in case the artist/athlete/protester goes off-message.