Not since Bruce hoisted Courtney Cox on stage has a random music video cameo like Emily Ratajkowski’s in the "Blurred Lines" video led directly to stardom. It takes a rare breed indeed to turn waving a foam finger half nekkid into becoming a SI swimsmoke.

And it’s especially not every day that said SI swimsmoke, a rookie no less, scores the cover of GQ. But Emily is most certainly not ordinary.

Emily went from dropping out of UCLA to modeling full time to dancing in "Blurred Lines." You can imagine she’s had her fill of the song. (Haven’t we all?)
"I do like it. But if there's one thing I'd request, it's for people who see me out to not be, like, You're the hottest bitch in this place. When it comes on in a bar, I run into the bathroom and hide."
She'll be known for a lot more after the "Entourage" and "Gone Girl" movies come out. Her agent isn't being paid nearly enough.
Emily's pretty smart as well.
Here's her take on presidential politics: "What would happen if Obama had an affair like Clinton's? 'Cause I feel like he has, like, a sexy quality to him that a lot of presidents don't."
On the decline of Europe: "I've spent so much time there, and I love it, but I feel like it's such an insignificant part of the world now. The population's decreasing; it's doing the same thing it's been doing for a long time. Economically, it's [expletive deleted]."

You can make the argument that Emily is one of the best things to emerge from today’s hyperactive media. A pretty forgettable song featuring three 30-plus dads having models skip around them in the nude became an indictment of America’s "rape culture," fueling arguments and generating hundreds of millions of page views for pics of Emily. Every casting director and power player in the world searching for the coveted new "It" girl likely saw that video, and it's all the result of the Left's outrage machine. (I suppose the song is also kind of catchy, at least during the first 300 times you hear it on the radio.)

If "Blurred Lines" ignited Emily’s career, it lit Robin Thicke’s on fire.
Remember this?

In the one year that Emily went from video chick to A-Lister, Thicke went from having the song of the summer to, well, collapse:
On a scale of R. Kelly to Phil Spector, how do you intend to "Get Her Back?" #AskThicke
— Rachel McKibbens (@RachelMcKibbens) June 30, 2014
Twerking also would’t have become mainstream if it weren't for Thicke roping-in Miley Cyrus and having Miley dress up as the video chick in that immortal VMA performance.
For everything you've accomplished this year, congrats Emily!