Free Beacon Zach Faria

Zach Faria is an intern at the Washington Free Beacon. He's a senior at Clemson University and the Editor-in-Chief of Clemson's Tiger Town Observer. Zach is from Tipton, California. His Twitter handle is @ZacharyFaria.

Cotton Warns of Smartphone Privacy Concerns Amid 'FaceApp' News

The Russian-based app rose to the top of the Apple and Google stores

July 18, 2019

House Dems Anonymously Complain About Defending the 'Squad'

'I can't tell you the number of Members who are angry and annoyed about them criticizing us'

July 18, 2019

Joaquin Castro Introduces Bill to Scrap Terms 'Alien' and 'Illegal Alien'

Brother Julian Castro 'proud' to also support bill (updated)

July 17, 2019

Open Letter to President Trump Urges Him to Stay the Course on China

Chinese government 'is not and never has been a peaceful regime'

July 17, 2019

Sanders Adviser Hits Harris Plan to Pay for Medicare for All

Says Harris needs "unicorns, magic wands" to avoid middle-class tax hike

July 17, 2019

Harris Evades Question of Raising Taxes on Middle Class

The presidential candidate questioned on paying for Medicare for All

July 17, 2019

Rep. Cheney Slams Socialist Democrats' Policies

'That is not compassion, that is callousness born of ignorance'

July 16, 2019

Sanders: Medicare for All Will Cost $40 Trillion Over 10 Years

Bernie says Biden's plan would cost more than Medicare for All

July 16, 2019

Biden Would Challenge Trump to Pushups Over Questions of Age

'How many pushups do you want to do here, pal?'

July 16, 2019

Klobuchar Won't Release Names of Potential Judicial Nominees

Liberal groups preparing secret lists of nominees in preparation for 2020

July 15, 2019