Free Beacon Washington Free Beacon Staff

Carney on Plouffe's speeches: 'Political criticism'

Senior WH adviser was paid $100,000 in speaking fees by firm with ties to Iran, Syria

Flashback: Plouffe forced to donate money from Azeri government front

2009: Plouffe donated approximately $50,000 in speaking fees to pro-democracy group after controversy over speech

Scientist PWNs Fareed Zakaria Over Anti-Koch Brother Bias

'I actually find it amusing how many people think they know what the Koch brothers are thinking'

Faith Based Community

DNC Chair Stands By Harry Reid's Romney Tax Smear

Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them

Obama cheerleader fails to explain how president's tax increases are actually tax 'savings'

Thiessen: 'For the past 10 years, Harry Reid has been beating his wife'

'That’s essentially what Harry Reid just did to Mitt Romney'

The Obama Lie Machine

Obama tax calculator offers tax cuts for millionaires