Free Beacon Washington Free Beacon Staff

Rabbi Rebukes Dems

Wolpe addresses Jerusalem controversy head on in benediction

September 6, 2012

Jarrett, Axe Say Obama Didn't Know About Jerusalem Exclusion

Obama campaign first says president saw platform before convention, then changes positions, says he didn't

September 6, 2012

Failed CEO to Praise Obama

Ousted CarMax CEO to stump for incumbent car czar president

September 5, 2012

God Wins

Dems reinsert God, Jerusalem into platform in stunning reversal

September 5, 2012

Hitchens on the 'Horrible Primate,' Bill Clinton

A collection of the late, great polemicist's Clinton smack downs

September 5, 2012

Obama’s Empty Chairs

Campaign goes into spin mode after surprise move of acceptance speech from stadium to arena

September 5, 2012