Free Beacon Washington Free Beacon Staff

Schwartz: Obama Proposal 'A Perfectly Good Starting Point'

Democratic Rep. touts Obama's plan that Republicans roundly rejected

December 3, 2012

Geithner Touts Phantom War Savings in Deficit Reduction Plan

Flashback: Woodward: Geithner 'conceded this wasn't real savings'

December 2, 2012

Susan Rice's Enrichment Program, Cont.

Rice has investments in bank defrauded by Madoff, in Irish pharmaceuticals, in firm located in Bermuda

November 30, 2012

Obama’s Murky Relationship With BP

President has been largest beneficiary of BP money in last 20 years

November 29, 2012

IDF to NYT: We Targeted Terrorists, Not Journalists

New York Times' ‘reliable, primary source’ for claim: Hamas

November 29, 2012