Free Beacon
Washington Free Beacon Staff
Krauthammer: Miller's Testimony Under Category of 'How Stupid Do You Think We Are?'
Planting questioner at ABA 'shows you an institution ... given intrinsically to being untruthful and deceptive'
May 17, 2013
Matthews: I Saw a Disconnect With Miller Today; There's Prima Facie Evidence of Targeting
Levin buys IRS' 'We're just incompetent' excuse
May 17, 2013
A Sticky Situation
NY Dem will resign from state assembly, continue running for city council
May 17, 2013
Wife Can't Load Shotgun, Clubs Bear to Help Husband Escape Attack
Husband says he will teach wife how to load, fire a shotgun
May 17, 2013
Ryan Challenges Miller on Omissions of IRS Targeting in Past Testimony
'How is that not misleading this committee?'
May 17, 2013
Rangel: Unfair to Say Ingram Should Have Known About Targeting
Dem. tax cheat tries to provide cover for IRS official now in charge of Obamacare
May 17, 2013