Free Beacon Susannah Luthi

California Sues School District That Tells Parents if Kids Are Confused About Their Gender

Policy to notify parents 'puts transgender and gender nonconforming students in danger of imminent, irreparable harm,' lawsuit says

August 28, 2023

Fund the Police: LA Votes To Put $1 Billion Toward Cops' Pay

Vote comes as crime soars and LAPD retention rates plummet

August 25, 2023

Paid to Strike: California Dems Push Unemployment Benefits for Striking Workers

State's unemployment fund already $20 billion in the red

August 21, 2023

California's Newsom Hints at Legislative Crackdown on Parental Rights

Legislative push comes as admin has threatened school districts that want to notify parents if their child is trans or nonbinary

August 15, 2023

Soros-Backed District Attorney Hires Boyfriend for Six-Figure Position

Pamela Price failed to disclose relationship with controversial senior staffer, prompting charges of nepotism

August 15, 2023
Stanford University

‘It’s a Gag Order’: California Threatens Researcher Who Testified That Pandemic Closures Hurt Poor Kids

Stanford University's Thomas Dee could face up to $50,000 in fines following testimony

August 10, 2023