A senior political correspondent for the Kremlin Propaganda network Russia Today (RT) spoke with CNN anchor Chris Cuomo on Wednesday about the crisis in Ukraine. The interview (see video below) went exactly how you would expect.
"Russia has not invaded Ukraine," said RT’s Anissa Naouai, speaking from Moscow. "Russia does have a border with Ukraine…Yes, there are military hardware there. They haven't crossed the border."
"What happened in Crimea?" Cuomo asked.
"I don't think it's fair to label it an invasion," Naouai said. "That's what the mainstream media did. I think it was misinformation."

The Kremlin propaganda network reporter also said that Russia was not responsible for the current unrest in eastern Ukraine, which Naouai blamed on fascist elements within the "illegal government in Kiev."
Naouai said there was "absolutely no evidence" the masked agitators in eastern Ukraine are in fact Russian troops or are taking orders from Russia. They merely "speak Russian" and have "ties to Russia." Their rights "are being undermined" by Ukrainian fascists in Kiev, a city that, as Naouai helpfully pointed out, was once a part of Russia.
On the subject of Kremlin propaganda, the reporter for the Kremlin propaganda network said the Russian government typically issues "calm," fact-based assessments, while the information coming out of the Ukrainian government, as well as the United Nations, is "really difficult to verify."
Propagandists gonna propagandize.