Free Beacon Stephen Gutowski

Stephen Gutowski is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He founded his own site as a junior in college and has been writing about news and politics since that time. His email address is His twitter handle is @StephenGutowski.

ATF Won't Say If Anyone Has Turned in Bump Stocks, Won't Release Enforcement Details

Lack of Supreme Court actions means most owners are now felons despite pending litigation

March 26, 2019

Last-Minute Order Partially Blocks Enforcement of Bump-Stock Ban

Court says ban can't be enforced against members of gun groups suing to overturn decision while case moves forward

March 25, 2019

Dems and Gun-Control Advocates Celebrate New Zealand Gun-Confiscation Plan

'This is what real action to stop gun violence looks like'

March 22, 2019

Kentucky Becomes 16th Permitless Gun-Carry State

Third state to eliminate permit requirement for concealed carry this year

March 12, 2019

Massachusetts AG's Attempt to Block Gun-Rights Suit Fails

Federal judge denies attempt to stay 'assault weapons' suit

March 11, 2019

Backlog of Calif. Criminals with Guns Grows While AG Focuses on Trump Suits

California knows more than 23,000 people who may be illegally in possession of guns but only rounded up 1,246 guns last year

March 7, 2019

Oklahoma Becomes 15th Permitless Gun-Carry State

Second state this year to drop permits

February 28, 2019

House Passes Gun-Control Bills

Universal background check, background deadline extension bills unlikely to become law

February 28, 2019