Free Beacon Stephen Gutowski

Stephen Gutowski is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He founded his own site as a junior in college and has been writing about news and politics since that time. His email address is His twitter handle is @StephenGutowski.

Media Won't Cover Obama's Bad Poll Numbers

Ignoring their own polls to protect the President

September 9, 2014
Obamacare supporter rally

HHS Secretary Says Obamacare is 'Clearly Working'

Sec. Burwell not interested in 'last year's battles'

September 9, 2014

Australian Man Wakes Up From Coma Speaking Mandarin

Man temporarily loses ability to speak English

September 8, 2014

Another Beheading in Anti-Gun London

Brutal killings persist in capital

September 4, 2014

CNN Interviews CNN

Where else are they going to find an expert?

September 3, 2014

Networks Heap Praise on Obama's "Tough" Response to ISIL

Despite a lack of action, network news hosts have praised the President's response to ISIL

September 3, 2014