Free Beacon David Rutz

David Rutz is senior writer at the Washington Free Beacon. He was previously a sports reporter for two years in Atlanta and has done freelance sports reporting for the Washington Post. He graduated from Vanderbilt University in 2010 and lives in Marietta, Ga. His Twitter handle is @DavidRutz. He can be reached at

CNN Reporter: Warren's Proposals Could 'Create Another Crisis'

Alesci: Warren's shaping conversation in 'politically convenient' way

July 22, 2019

Warren: Everybody Will Transition to Government-Run Health Care Plan

Polling shows Medicare for All unpopular when it means eliminating private insurance

July 22, 2019

Wendy Davis Announces She's Running for Congress

'I'm running for our children and grandchildren, so they can live and love'

July 22, 2019

Media: The SDNY Will Take Down Trump

'This is where it ends for this president'

July 22, 2019

Raskin Salutes Anti-Israel Actor Danny Glover at Rally

Glover called for complete cultural boycott of Israel in 2014

July 19, 2019

NBC Executive Takes Over David Brock's Left-Wing Site

Allison Girvin is the new CEO of Shareblue, the 'Breitbart of the left'

July 19, 2019

Warren: I'm 'Not There Yet' on Allowing Prisoners to Vote

Warren previously said she was open to 'conversation' on subject

July 19, 2019

Wall Street Liberals: Warren 'Better Form of Poison' Than Sanders

Harris supporter predicts Wall Street types will stay home if Warren wins nom

July 18, 2019

Buttigieg: I 'Constantly' Think of Resigning Mayorship to Focus on Campaign

Buttigieg has taken heat for handling of police shooting in South Bend

July 18, 2019