Free Beacon David Rutz

David Rutz is senior writer at the Washington Free Beacon. He was previously a sports reporter for two years in Atlanta and has done freelance sports reporting for the Washington Post. He graduated from Vanderbilt University in 2010 and lives in Marietta, Ga. His Twitter handle is @DavidRutz. He can be reached at

Warren Wrongly Claims Most Senators Supported 2013 Assault Weapons Ban

Only 40 voted for it, 15 Dems voted against

September 13, 2019

MSNBC Host Cheers Gun Confiscation: Only AR-15 Owners I Know Are 'Collectors'

Beto O'Rourke vowed at debate to seize all AR-15s

September 13, 2019

O'Rourke: Trump Poses 'Mortal Threat' to People of Color

2020 candidate calls Trump a white supremacist

September 12, 2019

O'Rourke: 'Hell Yes, We're Going to Take Your AR-15, Your AK-47'

Beto in 2018: 'If you purchased that AR-15 ... keep it'

September 12, 2019

Harris Wrongly Claims Trump Watching Debate: 'You Can Go Back to Watching Fox News'

Trump giving speech at Republican retreat at same time as debate

September 12, 2019

Warren: Obama's Bailout of Wall Street Was a Failure, Paved Way for Trump's Election

Obama officials rip Warren as 'sanctimonious,' 'condescending narcissist'

September 12, 2019
Sen. Bernie Sanders

ABC News Has Covered Sanders for Only Seven Minutes in 2019

MRC: Biden has gotten more attention than other 2020 Dems combined

September 12, 2019

Ossoff: It's Not a Sign of Privilege to Run for Senate Despite Losing House Race

Georgia Democrat lost 2017 House special election, has never held office

September 11, 2019

Georgia Democrat Appeared to Bolster Senate Campaign Email List Off Her Company's Bankruptcy

Sarah Riggs Amico touting rescue of trucking company's pensions as she launches Perdue challenge

September 11, 2019