Free Beacon Paul Crookston

Paul Crookston is the war room director at the Washington Free Beacon. He was previously a Collegiate Network fellow at National Review. A 2016 graduate of Gordon College in Wenham, Mass., he served as the managing editor of the Tartan campus newspaper. He is originally from Tampa, Fla., but he still roots for Dad’s Ohio teams. His Twitter handle is @P_Crookston. He can be reached at

Clarence Thomas

Review: 'Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words'

A far more compelling story than the one created by the left in 1991

February 1, 2020

Trump Becomes First U.S. President to Attend March for Life

Trump praises pro-lifers, takes aim at Dems' abortion extremism

January 24, 2020

Media Lament Boring Democratic Debate

‘Is anybody confident looking at these people?’

January 15, 2020

'I'm Sorry, Excuse Me': Biden Off by 40 Years, Mistakes 1976 for 2014

Calls Iowa voter 'damn liar,' challenges him to push-up contest

December 5, 2019