Free Beacon Morgan Chalfant

Morgan Chalfant is a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, Morgan worked as a staff writer at Red Alert Politics. She also served as the year-long Collegiate Network fellow on the editorial page at USA TODAY from 2013-14. Morgan graduated from Boston College in 2013 with a B.A. in English and Mathematics. Her Twitter handle is @mchalfant16.

Military Exercises Navy Secretary

Opposition to Navy’s ‘Modern’ Enlisted Ranking System Surges

Nearly 50,000 petition White House to restore enlisted ratings titles scrapped by service

October 4, 2016

Chinese Security Company Accused of Corruption Lobbies U.S. Government

Security equipment producer aims for TSA to certify its products

October 4, 2016
John Richardson

Navy Chief Pushes for
‘Compromise’ to Stop ‘Problematic’ Actions in South China Sea

CNO underscores ‘common interests’ with China, other nations in Asia-Pacific

October 3, 2016

VA Hospital Spent $300K on Robots It Couldn’t Use

Facility spent half a million dollars on unused equipment

October 3, 2016