Free Beacon Matthew Continetti

Matthew Continetti is a senior fellow and the inaugural Patrick and Charlene Neal Chair in American Prosperity at the American Enterprise Institute. The founding editor of the Washington Free Beacon, he is also the author of The K Street Gang: The Rise and Fall of the Republican Machine (Doubleday, 2006); The Persecution of Sarah Palin: How the Elite Media Tried to Bring Down a Rising Star (Sentinel, 2009); and The Right: The Hundred Year War for American Conservatism (Basic, 2022). His articles and reviews have appeared in the New York Times, Atlantic, and Wall Street Journal.

Biden Tlaib

The Revolution Comes for Israel

Column: What makes this war different—and disturbing

May 21, 2021

Milton Friedman's Revenge

Column: The specter of inflation haunts Joe Biden’s presidency

May 7, 2021

Biden's One Hundred Days of Hubris

Column: Presidents who misremember history are doomed to repeat it

April 28, 2021

Biden Trips on the Border

Column: The one issue where the White House plays defense

April 23, 2021

The Question Biden Won't Answer

Column: Will the government of Afghanistan survive America's retreat?

April 16, 2021

Biden Builds Back Obama's Middle East

Column: And makes a mockery of his democracy agenda

April 9, 2021

The Working-Class GOP: A Muddled Concept

Column: A favorite Republican catchphrase deserves higher scrutiny

April 2, 2021

Operation Overreach

Column: Biden should spend less time with historians and more with moderates

March 26, 2021

A Man-Made Disaster at the Border

Column: Biden’s actions speak louder than his mixed messages to migrants

March 19, 2021
Rush Limbaugh

The Era of Limbaugh

Column: Why Rush Limbaugh matters

February 17, 2021