Free Beacon Lachlan Markay

Lachlan Markay is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He comes to the Beacon from the Heritage Foundation, where he was the conservative think tank's first investigative reporter. He graduated from Hamilton College in 2009, and currently lives in Washington, D.C. His Twitter handle is @lachlan. His email address is

Report: Coal Power Plant Shutdowns to Accelerate

Industry, workers blame Obama EPA for layoffs as companies retire larger coal-fired plants

February 14, 2014

Union-Backed Groups Spend Hundreds of Thousands Attacking Cotton, Jolly

Democratic Party allies spend more than $600,000 on ads in two days

February 13, 2014
An activist dressed as a polar bear participates in a protest vigil in Lafayette Park across from the White House

Environmental Activists Plan Illegal White House Demonstration

‘XL Dissent’ anticipates numerous arrests at anti-pipeline protest

February 13, 2014

Democrats Who Oppose Keystone XL Pipeline Own Shares in Competing Companies

Disclosure documents show Tim Kaine and Alan Lowenthal are invested in Keystone Competitors

February 12, 2014

Torch-Carrying Environmentalists Protest at Oil Exec’s Home

Masked environmentalists bring menacing message to Enbridge employee’s front lawn

February 11, 2014

Experts Slam Schumer’s Junk Science

Senate Dem pushing to ban food additive that FDA says is safe

February 11, 2014

Coal Country Voters Express Economic Pessimism

Key Senate races in West Virginia and Kentucky could be impacted

February 10, 2014

Photos Debunk Key Anti-Fracking Claim

Water wells supposedly contaminated by fracking were flammable years before gas drilling

February 6, 2014
Busboys and Poets owner Andy Shallal

DC Mayoral Candidate’s Business to Host Venezuelan Government’s Pro-Chavez Event

Busboys and Poets, owned by mayoral hopeful, previously hosted terrorist, truthers

February 6, 2014

White House Writes NFL Players’ Pro-Obamacare Tweets

WH staffer promotes suggested language in Super Bowl Sunday email to NFLPA

February 3, 2014