Free Beacon Karl Salzmann

Karl Salzmann is an assistant editor at the Washington Free Beacon. He was previously the Collegiate Network fellow at the New York Post and the Collegiate Network intern at National Review. His email is

Meet the 'Defund the Police' Advocate Chicago Just Elected To Deal With Its Crime Spike

Chicagoans voted out Mayor Lori Lightfoot over surging crime. They replaced her with someone who called 'defund the police' a 'real political goal.'

April 5, 2023

Biden's FAA Nominee Bows Out, Blaming 'Partisan Attacks.' In Reality, the 'Attacks' Were Bipartisan.

Sens. Jon Tester and Kyrsten Sinema, who caucus with Democrats, scuttled Phil Washington's nomination

March 28, 2023

Biden Loses Fight To Confirm Far-Left FCC Nominee

Gigi Sohn withdraws name from consideration after losing Dem support in US Senate

March 7, 2023