Elizabeth Harrington is a senior writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Elizabeth graduated from Temple University. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, she worked as a staff writer for CNSNews.com. Her email address is elizabeth@freebeacon.com. Her Twitter handle is @LizWFB.
Taxpayers Billed $1.4 Million for Obama’s Argentina Trip
President tangoed, bashed capitalism during visit
Feds Spend $143,002 for Latina Women to Talk About Their Weight With Their Daughters
Study to provide ‘communication competency’ training to Mexican-American women
Report: Obama Admin’s
Effort to ‘Eliminate Red Tape’ Adds $16 Billion in Costs
Adds 6.5 million hours of paperwork needed to comply with federal rules
Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules
Proposed reg would punish schools for ‘egregious or persistent disregard’ for sodium limits
Feds Spend $6,000 Studying ‘History of French Lesbian Activism’
NEH grant list includes $20,000 for new college class on ‘questions of neighborliness’
The Humble Cigar Makers
Feature: Tobacco, tradition, and the global nanny state’s threatto the Dominican Republic
EPA ‘Prints in Bulk’
Emitted 306,093 pounds of CO2 on wasted paper, could power 36 cars for an entire year
EPA Spends $295,507 to Track Energy and Water Use of Office Workers
Color-coded light system will alert employees ‘to change their habits’