Free Beacon Daniel Wiser

Daniel Wiser is an assistant editor of National Affairs. He graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill in May 2013, where he studied Journalism and Political Science and was the State & National Editor for The Daily Tar Heel. He hails from Waxhaw, N.C., and currently lives in Washington, D.C. His Twitter handle is @TheWiserChoice.

Venezuelan Student Protesters Tortured, Forced into False Confessions

Students took part in February rally against President Maduro’s administration

June 4, 2014

An Unhappy Anniversary

Chinese authorities crack down on dissidents 25 Years after Tiananmen Square

June 4, 2014

Meet China’s Seven Most Prominent Dissidents

This week marks 25th anniversary of Tiananmen Square protests

June 3, 2014

Tiananmen Square Witnesses Push for Human Rights, Democratic Reforms in China

Communist leadership renewing efforts to purge memories of massacre

May 30, 2014
Bruce Braley

Bruce Braley Continues to Tout Career as Lawyer

Faces criticism for his ties to national trial lawyers’ lobby

May 29, 2014

GOP Lawmakers, Foreign Policy Experts Blast Troop Withdrawal Announcement

Say move could embolden Taliban, lead to resurgence in violence

May 27, 2014

Ukrainian Presidential Elections Threatened by Pro-Russian Separatists

Insurgents block regional election committees in eastern Ukraine

May 23, 2014

Bruce Braley Flip-Flops on Keystone Pipeline

Braley now benefitting from outside group funded by Tom Steyer

May 21, 2014