Free Beacon Collin Anderson

Collin Anderson is executive editor for the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from the University of Missouri, where he studied politics. He is originally from St. Louis and now lives in Arlington, VA. His email address is

Biden Voted to Block Creation of Senate Office That Handles Sexual Harassment Complaints

Then-senator Joe Biden backed a procedural motion declaring the office unconstitutional

May 5, 2020

Senate Says It Can't Release Tara Reade Records

Statement comes after National Archives said it does not hold the complaint

May 4, 2020

Iowa Dem Evicted Local Businesses to Make Way for Multinational Chain

Theresa Greenfield running for Senate as small business champion

May 1, 2020

Justice Dems Trounced in Bid to Oust Congressional Black Caucus Leader

Group that gave rise to AOC and Omar suffers another primary defeat

April 29, 2020

Sanders, Still Seeking Delegates, Slams N.Y. for Canceling Primary

Sanders calls on DNC to revoke N.Y. delegates if primary not restored

April 27, 2020

Missouri AG Schmitt 'Confident' He Can Make China Pay

Missouri becomes first state to sue ChiCom regime for pandemic

April 26, 2020

Dem Operative Goes Dark as MI Lawmakers Question Coronavirus Contract

Whitmer admin awarded campaign vendor lucrative data-gathering contract

April 23, 2020

Whitmer Blames State Agency for Handing Coronavirus Contract to Campaign Consultant

In Whitmer's Michigan, the buck stops with the Department of Health and Human Services

April 22, 2020

Vulnerable New Mexico Democrat Condemns AOC for Cheering Decline of Oil Prices

'A champion for the working class should be a champion for all workers'

April 22, 2020