Free Beacon Chrissy Clark

Chrissy Clark is a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon. She reports on college campuses and issues of higher education. Her work is featured in The Federalist and The Daily Signal. Chrissy received her degree in political science from Michigan State University. Follow her on social media @chrissyclark_ or contact her at

Michigan School Fires Popular Teacher For Saying 'Trump Is Our President'

Parents, students praise 'apolitical,' 'supportive' teacher

July 21, 2020

Virginia Urges Slavery Lessons for Kindergarteners

Parents, educators take issue with new curriculum

July 19, 2020

This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 2

Sleep is an act of white supremacy, according to the woke

July 18, 2020

University's Anti-Bigotry Reading List Includes Book That Equates Conservatism With Racism

GWU's racism 'resource syllabus' draws ire of students, faculty

July 15, 2020

Academic Calls On Colleagues to Repudiate 'White Supremacist' University

Petition calls on profs to join students campaigning for police divestment

July 14, 2020
Harvard food stamps

This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 1

Roundup of the craziest campus stories of the week

July 11, 2020

Michigan State May Scrub James Madison From Campus

Students, alumni express disappointment at 'ridiculous' proposal

July 10, 2020

Student Activists Push Universities to Defy ICE Order on International Students

A DHS rule would bar foreign students from obtaining visas if classes are all online

July 8, 2020

Colleges Hike Tuition, Slash Classroom Instruction

Universities defend price hikes even as they move to online classrooms

July 8, 2020