Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

Patty Judge farm

There Is an Environmental Skeleton in Patty Judge's Backyard

Iowa Democrat owns abandoned coal mine giving off toxic water

October 18, 2016
Hillary Clinton

Emails: Free Beacon Report Sent Clinton Campaign Scrambling

Campaign checked gender pay gap at Foundation, found ‘huge discrepancies’

October 18, 2016
J.E.B. Stuart / Wikimedia Commons

Virginia High School's Name Change Expected to Cost $750,000

Plan halted after costs became known to public

October 13, 2016
Deborah Ross

Deborah Ross Viewed Brutal Rape as 'Sympathetic' Case to Bring to Supreme Court

Teen broke into house to assault, rape woman in front of her young child

October 13, 2016

Todd Young Takes on Inner-City Poverty in Indianapolis

Young: ‘It’s the right thing to do–to make sure that every Hoosier feels like you represent them’

October 13, 2016

Obama Admin Gives Taxpayers Silent Treatment

Admin officials decline to answer questions during 'meeting' with taxpayer groups

October 11, 2016