Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

Montana Democrat Rob Quist Is Regular Performer at Nudist Resort

Quist promises to bring 'values of rural Montana' to Washington, D.C.

April 26, 2017

Jon Ossoff Has Never Bothered to Vote in a Runoff Election

Georgia Dem has skipped the polls in over half of statewide elections since 2008, records show

April 25, 2017

Less Than 2% of Joe Manchin's Campaign Donations Came From West Virginia

Only 5 West Virginians contributed to Manchin, according to campaign filing

April 20, 2017

Philadelphia Activists Smash Pat Toomey PiƱata Filled With Condoms, Sex Candy

PolitiFact's Pennsylvania partner defends coverage of event

April 20, 2017

Democrats Fail to 'Flip the Sixth' in Georgia Special Election

Democrat Jon Ossoff falls short of 50%, will face Republican Karen Handel in June runoff

April 19, 2017