Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

Washington Post Quietly Drops Reporter After Attending Democracy Alliance Conference

National reporter Janell Ross put on leave, not expected to return

January 12, 2018
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand /

Gillibrand Lashes Out During Infrastructure Briefing, Says Trump Admin is 'Killing People'

Accusation tied to Gillibrand's demand for billions of dollars for New York tunnel project

January 10, 2018

Top GOP Research Firm 'Ready to Examine' Oprah

Rush to research Oprah commences amid media obsession over potential 2020 run

January 10, 2018
Sen. Chuck Schumer waits to speak at a news conference at the Hudson Yards site, part of the larger 'Gateway' Amtrak tunnel project

NY-NJ Grant Request Would Exhaust Capital Investment Fund, Feds Warn

Administration scoffs at states' call for $5.5 billion in grants for tunnel project

January 8, 2018

Keith Ellison Donor: 'Israelis Have to be Bombed,' Only Understand 'Resistance'

Anti-Israel group official openly advocates for violence, gave $2,500 to Ellison in 2017

January 4, 2018

Senate Dems Called Out for Obstruction of Nominee for Top Railroad Safety Post

DOT: 'Disturbing' agency is without confirmed railroad administrator

January 3, 2018