Free Beacon
Brent Scher
Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.
Women's March Defense of Puts Claire McCaskill in Tough Spot
McCaskill has embraced Women's March, which has taken pro-prostitution stance
April 10, 2018
Dem Super PAC Projects Extreme Confidence in Florida, GOP Not Buying It
David Brock-led super PAC drops memo saying GOP 'can't win' with Rick Scott
April 4, 2018
Josh Hawley Opens Probe into Facebook, Continues to Battle Silicon Valley
Missouri AG demands all Facebook communications with Obama's 2012 campaign
April 2, 2018
McCaskill's Hollywood Hosts Maxed Out to Clinton's Lewinsky Legal Defense Fund
McCaskill on Clinton in 2006: 'He's been a great leader, but I don't want my daughter near him'
March 29, 2018
Democrat Derides Lobbyist Influence, Takes Money from Lobbyists
Arizona candidate Hiral Tipirneni endorsed by End Citizens United
March 28, 2018
No Keith Ellison, McDonald's Isn't 'Clear-Cutting Forests' to Graze More Cattle
DNC vice chair labels fast food giant a 'bad actor,' calls for 'maximum wage' laws
March 24, 2018