Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

Harvard-Educated Owner of Five Homes and a Private Plane Says Democrats Becoming 'Too Elitist'

Tennessee Democrat Phil Bredesen is worth up to $358 million, disclosure shows

August 7, 2018
Sen. Claire McCaskill

With Schumer's Permission, McCaskill Sets Kavanaugh Interview

McCaskill schedules Kavanaugh meeting 10 minutes after Schumer drops 'boycott'

August 3, 2018
David Garcia

Democrats Embrace Identity Politics Roadmap for Victory in Arizona Gov Race

Longtime Dem operative says David Garcia's strategy is 'insulting' to Latinos

August 3, 2018

Denver Riggleman Thinks Opponent's 'Bigfoot Erotica' Smear Will Backfire

Democrat Leslie Cockburn paired 'Bigfoot' smear with attempt to tie Riggleman to white supremacist—both lies, he says

August 1, 2018
Sen. Claire McCaskill

Partner of Elite Liberal Donor Club to Host Bay Area Fundraiser for Claire McCaskill

Another two California fundraisers on schedule for Missouri Democrat

July 31, 2018

Tennessee Dem Spokesman: 'F—k Reaching Out to Trump Voters.… The Idiots Aren't Listening'

Phil Bredesen recently complained of 'name-calling' after VP Pence called him a 'liberal'

July 27, 2018

Anti-Defamation League Criticized for Entering Partisan Kavanaugh Confirmation Fight

Group dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism immediately opposed Kavanaugh nomination

July 26, 2018

Former McCaskill Campaign Spokesman Is Now Spokesman for Husband's Investment Company

Longtime Dem operative handled questions on company's government housing investments

July 26, 2018