Free Beacon Brent Scher

Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.

Overheard on Amtrak: Tom Carper Complains About 'Out-of-State Socialists' Trying to Beat Him

Carper labels opponent a socialist on train home for Delaware's primary day

September 6, 2018

Michigan's Rashida Tlaib Joins Radical Cast at Muslim Conference

Tlaib was featured guest alongside terrorist defenders and anti-gay extremists

September 6, 2018
Claire McCaskill

Claire McCaskill Said Hillary Clinton Was 'Phony' During 2000 Interview

McCaskill was critic of dishonest way Clinton handled husband's sex scandals

September 4, 2018

Leader of Arizona's #RedforEd Movement 'Not Sorry' John McCain Died

Teacher protest presents itself as a nonpartisan group

August 31, 2018

Larry Hogan Hits Ben Jealous for Taking Campaign Cash from Payday Lender

Jealous is invested in payday lender LendUp, has received contributions from top executives

August 30, 2018

Illinois Dem: Trump and Osama Bin Laden Have 'Tremendous Amount in Common'

Sean Casten says Trump and Bin Laden both 'activate marginalized young men'

August 30, 2018
Tina Smith

Sen. Tina Smith's Husband Has $1 Million in Bermuda Hedge Fund

Minnesota Democrat running to hold Al Franken's former seat

August 27, 2018

Bill Nelson Puts Campaign Workers on Payroll After Free Beacon Report

Nelson had been cutting costs by paying staff as independent contractors

August 23, 2018
Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley

New Election Model Gives Josh Hawley Edge in Missouri

Conservative polling group forecasts 53-47 Republican victory

August 23, 2018