Free Beacon
Brent Scher
Brent Scher is a former executive editor at the Washington Free Beacon.
NORAD to Conduct Test Flights Over Washington, D.C., Area
Flights designed to enhance response capability to ‘potentially threatening aircraft’
April 29, 2015
Martin O'Malley Adopted 'Giuliani Time' Police Strategy as Baltimore Mayor
Could pose problem in Democratic primary
April 28, 2015
Texas Professor Fails Entire Class
Professor: Students 'lack the maturity level to enter the workforce'
April 27, 2015
Campaign Modifies Hillary Clinton’s Life Story for 2016 Campaign
New campaign abandons ‘universal health care’ term used in 2008 bio
April 27, 2015
George W. Bush: As President 'You Gotta Mean It' When Talking Tough
Bush criticizes decisions made in Iran, Iraq
April 27, 2015
Boomer Esiason Slams Maryland for American Sniper Decision
Former Maryland QB says he is 'never donating another dime' to school
April 24, 2015