Free Beacon Bill Gertz

Bill Gertz was senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

U.S. Ambassador Injured in Attack

Mark Lippert, U.S. Ambassador to South Korea, slashed by man calling for 'reunification'

March 4, 2015

NATO Commander Urges Pressure on Moscow Over Missile Treaty Breach

Says dual-use weapons deployed in Crimea ‘very worrisome’

March 2, 2015
Islamic State militants

DNI: 2014 Was Deadliest Year for Terror Attacks in 45 Years

Islamic State gaining characteristics of a nation state

February 27, 2015

China’s Space Weapons Threaten U.S. Satellites

Stratcom worried by antisatellite missiles, satellite weapons, lasers

February 26, 2015

China Rebuffs U.S. Request to Halt S. China Sea Island Work

Satellite photos show military construction expanded under Xi Jinping

February 26, 2015

NSA Director: Snowden’s Leaks Helped Terrorists Avoid Tracking

Former NSA contractor dismisses ‘traitor’ remark

February 24, 2015

Russia Boosts Arms, Training for Leftist Latin Militaries

Moscow defense minister inks deals with Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua for joint exercises

February 20, 2015
Kim Jong Un

North Korea Flight Tests New Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile

Pentagon: KN-11 missile test fired from floating platform

February 18, 2015

NSA Braced for New Leaks

Foreign security firm uncovered cyber spy methods

February 13, 2015
Men fish near the Russian warship Viktor Leonov CCB-175, docked in Havana's harbor, Cuba, Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015

Russian Intel Ship Spying on US Missile Submarines

AGI Viktor Leonov recently spotted in Cuba

February 13, 2015