Free Beacon Bill Gertz

Bill Gertz was senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

Su-27 intercept / European Leadership Network

Russian Fighter Jet Nearly Collides With U.S. Spy Jet Over Europe

U.S. protests ‘reckless’ aerial encounter over Baltic Sea (UPDATED)

April 10, 2015

ONI Reveals Massive Chinese Naval Buildup

New supersonic cruise missile deployed

April 10, 2015

Iran Framework Silent on Key Nuclear Site

Parchin used for explosive tests for Tehran bomb program

April 9, 2015
William Gortney

Northcom: China’s Three Missile Submarines a 'Concern'

North Korea has small warheads for ICBMs (Updated)

April 7, 2015

Verifying Iran Nuclear Deal Not Possible, Experts Say

Past Iranian cheating to be codified by future accord

April 6, 2015

FBI Warns U.S. Companies of Cyber Terror

Israeli, Jewish interests targeted

April 2, 2015

Russia Again Flight Tests New ICBM to Treaty-Violating Range

Test prompts renewed debate on violation of ’87 INF Treaty

March 31, 2015

Military Gears Up for Space Warfare

New command structures, satellite defenses outlined

March 26, 2015

China Missile Test Highlights Space Weapons Threat

Islamic State showing 'sophisticated' cyber capability

March 25, 2015