Free Beacon Andrew Kugle

Andrew Kugle is the war room director for the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse in 2013. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, he worked as a Staff/Press Assistant for South Dakota Congresswoman Kristi Noem. Andrew is from De Pere, Wisconsin and lives in D.C. His Twitter handle is @AndrewJKugle. You can reach him at

Media: Warren Took Some Selfies

Media impressed with Warren's ability to pose for pictures

September 18, 2019

NYT Reporters: It Wasn't Us

Authors of new Kavanaugh book blame editors and social media team for mistakes

September 17, 2019

Omar: God 'Expects' You to Vote a Certain Way

Freshman congresswoman supports anti-Semitic BDS movement

September 16, 2019

Cheney: When Given the Opportunity, Rand Paul Blames America First

Wyoming Republican labels Paul's views 'dangerous'

September 15, 2019

MSNBC Contributor: Shooters Kill 'Thousands' With 'Automatic' Weapons, 'High-Capacity Ammunition'

Donna Edwards expects Democrats will pass 'sensible gun safety bills'

September 4, 2019

Media Receives Backlash for Smearing Trump's Judicial Nominee

Menashi criticized over pro-Israel, anti-political correctness articles

August 27, 2019

Reid: Medicare for All, Decriminalizing Border Crossing Bad Ideas

'Of course' the proposals would be problematic in the general election

August 20, 2019