Free Beacon Andrew Evans

Andrew Evans is an assistant editor at National Affairs and a former reporter for the Washington Free Beacon, where he covered government accountability and healthcare issues.

Protesting for Life

Pro-life advocates gather at Irish embassy to protest proposed law to legalize abortion in Ireland

June 7, 2013

Bureaucratic Waste

OPM lacks oversight and wastes money, potentially threatening national security

June 6, 2013

Ex-Im Bank Authorizes Loan for China-Bound Satellites

Export-Import Bank finances satellite purchase by communications company partially owned by Chinese government

June 6, 2013

Immigration Reform Will Decrease Wages

Immigration bill will sharply increase number of temporary workers, study finds

June 5, 2013

Progress Against Pain

Bill outlawing abortion after 20 weeks passes first vote in House subcommittee

June 4, 2013

Many Questions, Few Answers

Acting IRS Commissioner faces Congress for first time

June 3, 2013

Democrats for Religious Liberty

Democratic policy leaders praise religious liberty at conference awards dinner

May 31, 2013

Fighting for the Freedom of Faith

Conference highlights decline of religious liberty in America

May 31, 2013

Asking for Freedom

Congressmen write letter to AG Holder asking he grant German family asylum

May 29, 2013