Free Beacon Alex Griswold

Alex is a staff writer at the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2012. Before joining the Free Beacon, he was a writer for Mediaite and The Daily Caller. He is originally from Buffalo, New York, but regrettably now lives in Washington, D.C. He can be reached at

Warren Reportedly Hurting Dems' Senate Fundraising

Wall Street Dems withholding cash for down-ballot Senate races

November 4, 2019

Top Minnesota Dem: Omar's 'Present' Vote on Armenian Genocide 'Deeply Troubling'

'We are really, really disappointed,' said one Armenian constituent.

October 31, 2019

Hirono Makes Bizarre Argument Against Originalist Court Nominee

'You would not allow women and blacks to vote because that was not in the Constitution when it was ratified'

October 30, 2019

MSNBC Analyst Suggests U.S. Should Ban Hate Speech

Richard Stengel calls failure to outlaw hate speech a 'design flaw' in First Amendment

October 29, 2019

WaPo: Headline Calling ISIS Leader 'Austere Religious Scholar' Was 'Written in Haste'

'Unfortunately, a headline written in haste to portray the origins of al-Baghdadi and ISIS didn't communicate that brutality'

October 28, 2019

NYT Op-Ed: Indian Boys' Assault Of Black Girls Proves That ‘Whiteness Evolves’

'The heritage or skin color of the boys suspected of the assault doesn’t matter'

October 28, 2019

Essence Magazine Deletes 'RIP Rep. Elijah Cummings' Tweet With Picture of John Lewis

The magazine also tweeted 'Barak' Obama present at Cummings's funeral

October 25, 2019

Oxford Students Push University To Cancel Clapping

Students call for more inclusive jazz hands

October 24, 2019