Free Beacon Alec Schemmel

Alec Schemmel is an Investigative Reporter for the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from American University in Washington, D.C., where he studied journalism and political science. Alec is originally from Charlotte, N.C., and now lives in Arlington, Va. His email address is

Tax Dollars at Work: Biden Admin Has Paid Dead People Nearly a Billion Dollars

'While on track to waste $1 trillion of your taxes, they want to tax you even more,' watchdog group says

June 13, 2023

How the Biden Admin's Refusal to Cover New Alzheimer's Drugs Hurts 'Underserved' Americans and Costs Taxpayers Billions

'The tragedy of Alzheimer's disease is exacerbated by inaction of policymakers,' University of Chicago prof says

June 12, 2023

Sexual Violence Prevention Groups Want Biological Men in Female Locker Rooms

Biden admin's Title IX rule would give legal protections to trans students who expose themselves in locker rooms, bathrooms

June 7, 2023

Fauci Praised 'Competent, Trustworthy Scientists' in Wuhan. His Own Agency Said They Needed Ethics Training Over 'Research Misconduct.'

Fauci's NIH launched $300,000 effort to combat 'research misconduct,' 'publication fraud' in Chinese research institutions

June 6, 2023

North Carolina Democrats Push for State To Mourn 'Catastrophe' of Israel's Creation

Party's anti-Israel resolution would commemorate Nakba Day, endorse 'right of return' for Palestinians to Israel

May 31, 2023