
China Becomes Iran’s Largest Trade Partner

Iranian trade profits soaring as sanctions collapse

February 25, 2014
Chuck Hagel

End of American Military Dominance

Hagel announces steep U.S. defense cuts in aircraft, ships, troops, weapons

February 25, 2014

Cheney Blasts Obama’s Proposed Defense Cuts

‘No future Secretary of Defense will call Obama and thank him for what he has done with the military’

February 24, 2014

Barber Discusses Peters’ Attempt to Silence Obamacare Victim

‘No other way to look at it’ than an assault on free speech

February 24, 2014

Rubio Delivers Forceful Response Against Lifting Cuban Economic Embargo

Fla. Sen. describes harsh realities of communism, blasts Cuba's support of repressive Venezuelan government

February 24, 2014