Meet the Man who is Trying to Save Michigan
GOP governor Rick Snyder passed conservative reforms, signs right-to-work legislation in union stronghold
December 11, 2012
Chuck Hagel is No Egyptologist
Frontrunner for next Sec Def says U.S. has little influence over Egypt despite billions in U.S. aid over the years
December 11, 2012
Afghans Fail in Money Laundering Fight
Afghan authorities have yet to implement anti-money laundering policies despite mandate from the U.S.
December 11, 2012
Democrats Ready to March off the Cliff
GOP willing to negotiate but Democrats refuse
December 11, 2012
Matthews Berates Guest: 'Who Pays Your Salary?'
MSNBC host's salary paid by GE, Comcast conglomerate
December 11, 2012
‘We Are at War’
Graham demands Iranian threat be neutralized before agreeing to defense cuts
December 11, 2012
Carney Dodges Question on Corporate Donors for Inauguration
In reversal, WH will allow corporate donors at different levels
December 11, 2012