
Endangering the Elderly

Judge orders company to rehire unionized health care workers who may have endangered lives of elderly patients

December 12, 2012

Arrested Menendez Intern Reportedly an Illegal Immigrant, Sex Offender

DHS instructed agents to delay arrest until after election...NJ Senator says he didn't know of Dec. 6 arrest until today

December 12, 2012

The Secretary of Defense Cuts

Potential Obama nominee favors massive defense reductions

December 12, 2012

Flake: Fiscal Cliff Is Artificial Deadline, But Markets Will Respond

'You can't just look obviously at the stock market. You can't just look at the end of the year at this fiscal cliff.'

December 12, 2012

Blackburn: Spending Problems Need to be Addressed Now

'If the President is wanting to be the Driver-in-Chief to go over the fiscal cliff, I find that very disappointing'

December 12, 2012