State Dept: Five Guantanamo Detainees Will Not Have Substantial Impact on Battlefield
'That’s just not even logical'
June 9, 2014
Obamacare Penalty to Hit One Million Low-Income Americans
200,000 earning less than 100 percent of the poverty level to pay fine
June 9, 2014
Watchdog Group Subpoenaed for VA Whistleblower Info
Group will resist subpoena from VA inspector general
June 9, 2014
Iran, Turkey Meet Amid ‘Massive Sanctions Busting’ Schemes
First meeting between Iranian president and Turkey in nearly 20 years
June 9, 2014
CNN: VA Audit Reveals 57,000 Veterans Still Awaiting Care, 63,000 Never Got An Appointment At All
'The facts just get worse and worse'
June 9, 2014