Halperin: Hillary's New Book 'Tone Deaf'
'There is nothing in the book that would tell you what she’d do as president'
June 10, 2014
CBS Poll: Majority Say U.S. Gave Up Too Much for Bergdahl
56% Say the U.S. Paid Too High a Price for Bergdahl
June 10, 2014
U.S. in Talks with Snowden on Possible Plea Deal
Former NSA contractor currently in Russia
June 10, 2014
House Dem: White House's 'Leak' Excuse for Not Notifying Congress on Bergdahl 'Didn't Sit Well'
Schiff: White House made 'a mistake'
June 9, 2014
NY Dem Invested in Iran’s Biggest Oil Customer
Republican calls on Sean Eldridge to divest from Chinese company
June 9, 2014