Military Blows $3 Million on Boats for Afghanistan, then Secretly Cancels Shipment
Boats now collecting dust in Virginia warehouse
June 12, 2014
Press Groups Pressure Senate Leaders to Pass Shield Law
Bill would allow journalists with knowledge of a crime to refuse to testify
June 12, 2014
Mitchell to Kaine: Why Hasn't Obama Produced a Plan for Iraq?
Mitchell: 'Where's our intelligence? We were there for ten years.'
June 12, 2014
Boehner: Obama 'Taking a Nap' on Iraq
Boehner: The new Obama Doctrine is negotiating with terrorists
June 12, 2014
McCain: It’s Time for Obama to Get a New National Security Team
'It's clear the complete pullout of U.S. troops from Iraq was dictated by politics and not our national security interests'
June 12, 2014
Reid’s Sale of Mining Rights Revives Allegations of Cronyism
Democratic Leader blocked regulations on mining companies represented by Reid’s family
June 12, 2014
Benghazi Attackers Communicated Via State Dept. Cell Phones During Attack
Sources tell Fox News U.S. spies overheard their conversations
June 12, 2014
Halperin, Heilemann Blast Hillary Book, Rollout
Halperin: 'I don’t understand writing a book of that length without a message'
June 12, 2014