Troop Numbers in Afghanistan Needed for Stability
Experts ask for concrete proposal from Obama administration for after 2014
July 11, 2013
Pro-Israel Leaders Slam Rand Paul for Staffer’s Neo-Confederate Views
Paul stands by aide with controversial past
July 11, 2013
Harry Reid Ends Debate on Controversial NLRB Nominees
McConnell: Reid will ‘be remembered as the worst president of U.S. Senate ever’
July 11, 2013
McConnell: If Nuclear Option Goes Through, Reid Will Be Remembered As Worst Leader of Senate Ever
'It's high time we sat down and tried to understand each other'
July 11, 2013
Union Issues Warning About Obamacare
Unions fear health care changes will negatively impact members
July 11, 2013
Terry McAuliffe’s Involvement in Contribution Scandal Reemerges
Engaged in bid to gin up Democratic donations by helping would-be union boss
July 11, 2013
Harry Reid Announces Intention to Go Nuclear on Filibuster
Republicans accuse Reid of hypocrisy, manufacturing controversy
July 11, 2013