Experts Testify Against Use of Limited Strikes in Syria
Weak action sends dangerous signal, opens U.S. to retaliation
September 10, 2013
Health Insurance Doubling for Some in Oklahoma
Rates increasing by 30 to 100 percent, Oklahoma insurance commissioner says
September 10, 2013
Tom Cotton Defends NSA, Drone Strikes
Warns America must remain ‘strong horse’ in fight against terrorists
September 10, 2013
Bernie Sanders’ War on the Kochs
Socialist senator attacks company with 60,000 employees
September 10, 2013
Grimes Won’t Call for Democratic State Rep. Arnold’s Resignation
State representative facing multiple accusations of harassment
September 10, 2013
Obamacare Exchanges Will Have ‘Rocky Start,’ Consultant Says
New technology not ready to be rolled out three weeks before exchanges open
September 10, 2013
Heitkamp: ‘We’re Not Trusting Assad, We’re Trusting the Russians’ on Syria
Mitchell: 'Whoa, you're trusting the Russians?'
September 10, 2013