Christian Leaders Criticize Rand Paul’s Comments
Deny that American Christians support wars for Israel’s benefit
September 13, 2013
Former CIA leader: Syria’s Islamist Rebels Gaining Power
Michael Morell worries collapse of state will empower al Qaeda
September 13, 2013
Government Seeking Inclusion of ‘Social and Behavioral’ Data in Health Records
Experts worry about security, use of such information
September 13, 2013
Michelle Obama's Drink More Water Campaign Based on Faulty Science
Expert: 'There's no good evidence that drinking extra water is going to lead to a healthier existence'
September 13, 2013
Keane: Assad Will Not Give Up His Chemical Weapons
'The possession of these chemical weapons guarantees the preservation of the regime'
September 13, 2013
John Cornyn Says Syria’s Biological Weapons Also Pose Threat
Urges Sec. Kerry to include them in any deal to disarm Assad
September 13, 2013
Experts Fear Backdoor Unionization in Tennessee
VW-promoted organization effort could drive up costs
September 13, 2013
Medicare Cuts, Obamacare Prompt Hospital Layoffs
More than a dozen hospitals cutting jobs, patient services
September 13, 2013