
House Conservatives Seek End to Wind Energy Production Tax Credit

52 House members have called on the credit not to be renewed

November 14, 2013

Mayor Against Illegal Guns Endorses Criminal Activity

Santa Fe mayor backs ‘civil disobedience’ to stop Keystone Pipeline

November 14, 2013
Many of John Podesta's lobbying firm's clients also supported his 501(c)3 Center for American Progress

Top Clinton Aide Podesta Calls for Single Payer Health Care

Clinton camp continues to distance self from Obamacare fiasco

November 14, 2013

McCaul: Obama Weak, Disinterested in National Security

Homeland Security Chair: President does not attend 'many' of his national security briefings

November 14, 2013

‘Obama’s March to War’

New ad casts doubt on Obama’s promise to stop Iran

November 14, 2013

House to Senate: ‘Act Swiftly’ to Pass New Iran Sanctions

Republicans, Democrats ‘fed up’ with White House efforts to stall

November 14, 2013

What Happens in Albuquerque

Feature: On the front lines of a pro-life fight in New Mexico

November 14, 2013