
In this picture released by the official website of the office of the Iranian supreme leader, President Hassan Rouhani kisses the forehead of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei after his surgery at a hospital in Tehran, Iran

Iran Supreme Leader: Prepare for the ‘New World Order’

Khamenei touts growing Iranian influence ahead of prostate surgery

September 8, 2014

Russian Website Hosts Terror Propaganda

Kicked off American sites, ISIL moves to Russia

September 8, 2014

Australian Man Wakes Up From Coma Speaking Mandarin

Man temporarily loses ability to speak English

September 8, 2014
Palestinians hold Hamas flags and chant slogans during a celebration organized by Hamas in the West Bank city of Nablus

Palestinian Authority President Slams Hamas’ Claims of Victory

Accused organization of executing 120 Gaza residents

September 7, 2014
Two West German border police helicopters that carried armed terrorists and their nine Israeli Olympian hostages, stand at Fuerstenfeldbruck air force base about 20 miles west of Munich, Germany

Remembering the Munich Massacre

How Israel became the first country to wage anti-terrorist campaigns abroad

September 7, 2014